Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to MJ over at Rhymes with Migraine!!

My dear friend MJ will be turning 25 in two days!

Happy Birthday!!!!
Humorous Pictures

more cat pictures

Please check out her blog at Rhymes with Migraine.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

News: Topamax May Cause Birth Defects

Good to know I just stopped taking it! Not that it would affect me now, since I'm not planning to have a child anytime soon, but still!

Teri Robert wrote an article about this today over on My Migraine Connection. Please check it out: Topamax May Cause Birth Defects. Also, Marijke over at Help My Hurt did an article about it too: Epilepsy and Migraine Drug Topamax Investigated for Birth Defects.

Now, yes, I know with any drug, there are risks of side affects. The point is that the good should outweigh the bad. But this one really took me off guard. I mean, I know you are not supposed to take this drug while pregnant, but what about those people who are taking it for Epilepsy. Having seizures during pregnancy can harm the baby, not taking your Topamax for Epilepsy may cause seizures.

It's just sad when a medication that may be working great for you has to be changed for this reason.

So, if you are out there and on Topamax and trying to conceive - please, PLEASE talk with your doctor about other options. It's always better to be safe then sorry.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And the Doctor says.....

Today was my appointment with Dr.G. He really is such a character. I really like him, but have to remember sometimes, that he is just a neurologist, not a Migraine Specialist

We went over a bunch of things. The Topamax
and Amitriptyline and the side affects that made me stop taking them.

We decided I would go a month clean with no preventive. This way, we can be sure when we start the new one, (which may be Wellbutrin) we can figure out what drug is causing what side affect. I was o.k. with this. I kinda like the idea of a drug holiday. I feel like I've been putting so much crap in my body everyday, it will probably welcome the break.

He did tell me that I will probably start to see a spike in Migraines after I've been off the Amitriptyline for about 10 days....I'm on day seven and I already feel it.

I got a script for Midrin, which I can try for my Tension Headaches. It sure beats Vicodin, that only knocks the pain down to make it bearable! So we will see how that goes.

I am having blood work done to check all my levels, such as vitamin B12, Magnesium, vitamin D (Thank you Dr. Krusz for making me aware of this!!), among other things, but I just can't read Dr.G's handwriting to see what else I am having checked....and of course I already forget.

So we will see how it goes! Wish me luck!

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's been a busy week!

Last week was very busy for me. It was my husbands birthday and I put together a surprise birthday dinner for him. We had a great time!

It was also a busy week on the Migraine front. I think I was hit about two times, plus 3 Tension Type Headaches. I was lucky enough to keep the Tension Headaches as Tension Headaches, and not let them trigger yet another Migraine.

We also went to see our friends band play. Around this time of year, every town has their "day", so Insouciant played Jefferson Day.

Then, we have my husbands band, Annoying Customer, that is working their first EP. The recordings are all done, now our friend Bryan is just mixing them so they sound like the masterpiece they are!

Tomorrow I go to my neurologist. I am looking for new preventive medications as I am off the Topamax and Amitriptyline.

So tomorrow I will write about my doctor visit. I am hoping it goes well.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!!!!

Well it's been a year since my husband and I tied the knot. I can't believe time has gone by so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday.

Some people say the first year of marriage is the hardest. Well, if that's true, then we are going to have quite an easy ride!!!!

Shawn has had a lot thrown at him from me, with my health and seeing doctor after doctor for my Migraine disease. That's not to say he has not thrown some dandies my way as well, but we can communicate very well with each other, and that really surprised me. Coming from relationships where people just keep things bottled up - I have to say we can keep beating the horse till it's dead, as long as we are both o.k. with the situation. I am so grateful to have that in my life now, and not have to feel like I'm trapped with my feelings inside all the time.

This is extremely important to me when it comes to my health. Shawn is always more then willing to come to doctor appointments, make sure he knows what medications I'm taking in case of an emergency, get me my triptans or rescues when I feel like hell. Or, just leave me alone when I feel like I've been hit by a truck! I'm glad this wasn't something we had to work out either, this is just the way it's always been with us.

Ok, now I'm boring you all with my personal life. I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July. You know they set off fireworks tonight in honor of my anniversary! *wink*

Have a good one!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I've got a contract with HealthCentral!!

Hello my lovely readers! I have had quite an opportunity handed to me (not to say that I have not worked hard for it, I feel I have). The lovely Miss Teri Robert over at My Migraine Connection has been mentoring me now for about a year.

Well my work has paid off! The HealthCentral Network has offered me a contract to become an EXPERT on their migraine site!!

I could not be happier!! I have so enjoyed working with the lovely people over at MMC, and to now be an expert - WOW!!!! This on the heels of just coming back from an absolutely fabulous time in Boston at the American Headache Society 50th Annual Conference.

So I just thought I would share the news with all of you - My title over at My Migraine Connection is now "Community Moderator". I will be helping out Miss Teri and Miss Nancy, who is the Community Manager. So pretty much in the hierarchy - it goes:

Queen - Teri

Princess - Nancy

Princess in training - Me (sounds better then Duchess I think)

Hey I have to find a way to wear a tiara any way I can!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Back from Boston

So yes, Boston was a great experience. I had a blast. I met so many wonderful people. Plus, I think I have even worked out what I am going to do as far as my own therapy is concerned. I won't mention names yet, since it's probably going to be a ways off. I have to get some $$ together in order to take a plane, pay for the appointment and all that stuff. Plus after discussing it with Shawn, of course he wants to come with.

We figure if I'm going to fly somewhere to see a Migraine Specialist, might as well make the best of it and turn it into a vacation!!!!

So that is about it. I am back at work and still trying to figure out all my unpacking. I did want to let my loyal 4 readers know that I was back safe and sound.

Also, I wanted to share a couple of pictures with you!!!! I figure since I am somewhat off topic, it's a nice time to share pictures of the pretty city of Boston as well as the beautiful Orchids that were all over the hotel and mall that Teri and I went to.

Ok that's about it for now. I promise to have something good to say soon. Oh, but on a side note, if any of you are not yet reading Migraine Chick, she had a really great, funny post today about Why I could survive a Zombie attack which is worth checking out if you are a migraineur or like Zombies!!!