Hopefully this week will jump start my butt to what promises to be a very busy month!!!!
To start it off: It's National Headache Awareness Week!!! Yippee!! I've celebrated by informing some co-workers more about this disease! (We should have our own mylar balloons, right? With little brains on them??) Just thinking out loud. Maybe I'll make a brain cake to celebrate....
Ok, let's get serious!

The National Headache Foundation started a new campaign, and a new YouTube Channel! The new "campaign" is called "getting a head START on your headaches". Teri Robert wrote a great article on it. This year marks the 15th annual National Headache Weeek that has been "celebrated".
And, in news to come later this month - I have the pleasure of going to the American Headache Society 50th annual confrence in a few weeks with none other than Miss Teri Robert!!!!
I am so excited I cannot wait!!! We are going to have such a great time! I will be keeping you all updated on here and also through My Migraine Connection.
With all this news in one post, I can hardly contain myself! I'm going to try really hard to get on here more often and get info out to you guys. I'm sorry I have not been more on the ball lately. I know I've missed a couple blog carnivals and things of that nature, but I'm going to try and get on here at least once a week!
That's about it for now!
I'm looking forward to your report about the AHS conference, Eileen - I know you and Teri will soak up all sorts of great knowledge for us migraineurs!
I am so excited to go, I can't wait!!!!!
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