Sunday, May 25, 2008

One hour? You've got to be kidding!

So a friend of mine picked up one of those free little magazines that you get at the pharmacy.....I'm not sure what the name of it is, I don't think it's Prevention, but it's something like that. This one has Patrick Dempsey on the cover (I love me some Grey's Anatomy!!).

Anyway - they had a two page dealy on migraine triggers. Pretty much the same 'ol, same 'ol....certain nuts, caffeine, things we "seasoned" migraineurs already know about.

One thing did strike me as odd though.

In the article, it mentioned that while doctors are going through medical school, they only get about one hour of training in Migraine and headaches, and another one hour during residency.....I found this quite appalling! Considering that Migraine strikes more people then diabetes and is so debilitating that it currently is the 4th top reason for people missing work.

I mean, I don't know what I was really expecting someone going into general practice to get as far as migraine and headache training, but I would think it would be more then 2 hours in total. I mean I had to take 2 years of Algebra in high school and I don't even use that crap anymore! You figure a GP is a migraineurs first stop when they are trying to figure out what is going on....

This just reiterates again why it is so important for us to seek out great neurologist and/or Migraine and headache specialists. I mean considering how much time I'm spending learning and reading about this disease, I'd hope my doctor(s) would have spent more time learning about it then I have!


Anonymous said...

I was astonished when I found this out as well. Although it does explain how the young ER doctor I saw did not know an aura could be anything other than visual and so asked me if what I was experiencing was a known side effect of the meds I was on... and I was like 'beats me... but it is a migraine aura I get'. Then there was the neuro that told me there was 'nothing more to try', when I was pretty sure I had not gone through the numerous preventatives out there. Thankfully I was refered to a neuro who does botox (the only one around here) and luck have it, the man knows a lot about migraines. It is very time consuming to have to train your own doctor.

Anonymous said...

Yikes - that's pretty amazing! I know they have a lot of stuff to learn, but as you said, this is a pretty common disease!