Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So much to say....

I have not posted here in such a long time! I have so much to catch up on and still don't really have the time right now. The best thing that has happened recently is that I got in to see Dr. Young at the Jefferson Headache Center in Philadelphia!!! He is amazing! I had a nerve block and trigger point injections. They worked better than I thought but are starting to wear off now.

On the down side, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia back in February so that is not fun, but at least now I know what the deal is and why I'm always in pain (other than just my brain).

I am going to need to have some shoulder surgery soon - that should be exciting. I also need to set up time to go back to Jefferson for the IV Therapy clinic. Dr. Young thinks it would be very beneficial.

I hope to get back on here and write more soon. I just don't have enough hours in the day with my job and my health as of late.

Hope everyone out there is doing well!!!


Harriett Broughton said...

I am glad to hear from you but so sorry you're in the Fibro Club!

Keep at it. We'll all eventually figure ourselves out. :)

Anonymous said...

My neuro recently asked me what I think is triggering so many migraines... and I said fibromyalgia. Honestly, it is what makes me so light, sound and scent sensative, which leads to migraines. It is what makes me incapable of having a good nights sleep which leads to migraines. It is what causes chronic pain which stresses my system and leads to migraines. Yep, all roads lead to fibromyalgia, but my migraine treatment is way more aggressive. Still I am on Lyrica for a migraine prventative and since it also works for FMS, it is a double hitter!

Anonymous said...

Hey Eileen... sorry to hear about the FMS diagnosis. I have that myself... came well before the chronic migraines, but since they are comorbid at least I can see the link. I don't often mention that I have FMS though, even on my blog, because when I was diagnosed there was still such indifference with the doctors, some docs still denied it was a proper diagnosis while others had that 'its all in your head' biz going on. Taught me not to admit to pain, to always underestimate my pain and to never be honest with doctors who may think you are a chronic complainer or drug seeker. Thus it is to have an invisible disability. I am going to start a movement for all us FMS invisible disabilty people called shout it out... 'Yes I am in pain and yes it does suck!'

Ldavis 74 said...

I recently saw a couple artivles on some shows like discovery heath and the journal with Joan Lunden about Fibro. Why is it that these huge painful illnesses always come together. Keep up the fight and I know that there are some natural remedies out there for the the Migrines and Fibro.

tahera said...

Its good to hear that you are facing this tough phase of your life with a smile. Its an inspiration to millions who lose hope. Best of luck. Spine Surgeons NJ

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate your story. I'm 26-years-old and became sick with a stomach infection 4 months ago, then sprained my ankle, then suddenly the worst of all, 2 months, was cursed with migraines. My neurologist made me feel like a freak show, as if I didn't feel like life was horrible enough before hand, it wasn't worth much thereafter. However she did mention a lumbar puncture. I had one when I was 19 and it was horrible.
Apparently technology has changed, and they aren't as bad as they used to be. I've finally come to the conclusion tonight, especially after reading your blog, that anything is better than laying in bed anymore. I'll be calling for an lumbar puncture appointment tomorrow. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
- Kylee, AZ